IDE is capable of creating preliminary engineering studies, including feasibility analyses, to determine the proper course of action for developers, municipalities, and governmental agencies. This includes assessment documentation, public meetings, master planning, overall city planning services, and future planning requirements.
IDE provides drainage design and watershed analysis for a wide range of projects. IDE provides both above-ground and below-ground detention design, orifice design, sustainable stormwater design, permeable pavements, etc. Long term development plans and watershed analysis studies are done frequently in our office and we understand the need for controlling stormwater as development increases.
IDE is capable of providing assistance in acquiring variances and zoning approvals at all stages of development. This includes pursuing zoning changes, Planned Unit districts, compliance with zoning standards, and meeting with officials to help clients solve zoning issues.
With a LEED AP on staff with experience on several LEED projects, IDE is able to offer Civil Engineering design that incorporates Sustainable Design options for a more efficient development. This includes bioretention basins, vegetated filters, and other stormwater solutions. IDE also offers certification services for any project interested in pursuing LEED.
IDE has been providing and will continue to provide excellent Site Planning deliverables. This involves the design of pavement, on-site utilities, parking, access, sidewalks, drainage, stormwater detention, ADA ramps, crosswalks, bus drives, fire hydrant layout, demolition plans, paving striping, heavy duty pavements, erosion control plans and permits, etc. IDE’s site plans conform to the company’s standard operating procedures and QA/QC requirements.
IDE can create Plans and Profiles for public utility extensions of sewer and water services throughout southwestern Ohio and northern Kentucky. This involves the creation of construction documents as well as EPA permit documents and coordination with local utility agencies and state reviewing agencies. IDE provides start-to-finish support for utility extensions of all lengths.
On all projects, IDE is fully capable of acquiring permits on a local, municipal, county, state, or federal level. This is applies to utility extensions, street modifications, stream modification, site development greater than one acre, etc. IDE works with FEMA, soil and water divisions of state departments, federal stream degradation requirements, and other entities to ensure the development is legal and approved on all levels.
IDE provides technical specifications for all applicable projects in MasterSpec 2004 edition format, and handles specifications from an environmental standpoint on typical civil engineering projects to specialized demolition work. IDE provides conformed specifications during the bidding process and carefully tracks changes and updates for future projects.
IDE will provide a professional opinion of Construction Cost for projects at two separate occasions during a project. This service includes Value Engineering, which can save developers and municipalities a great deal of money during the plan development stage of a project.
IDE can provide start-to-finish construction management services, including bid submittal creation, bid review, and Change Order review. Also, IDE is fully versed in Grant Funding and can handle all reporting requirements throughout the construction process. Assessment documentation and administrative advising on a civil level is included in these services.
All Content © Infrastructure Development Engineering, Inc., 2025.
Web site developed by Brad Pauquette Design, Columbus, Ohio